Sunday, May 1, 2011

Canning Cheddar and Nacho Cheese

On Friday April 29, 2011 I decided to can Cheddar and Nacho Cheese.

Heating the bottles for 20 min. at 250 degrees.  Then fill the pint jars.

Put the sealers and lids on the jars and then put them in the canner for a 20 min. boil.
 After they boil for 20 minutes they are done.  Cool them on a rack
and label and put away after they cool.
I was able to can 18 pints of Cheddar Cheese and 6 pints of Nacho Cheese.


  1. Thank you very much. I did this yesterday. I now have 27 pints of nacho cheese. Bring on the nachos. Lol

  2. What is the shelf life of the cheese after you can it?
